
Sep 11, 20142 min read
Spider Webs and Fading Sunlight
I was wiping the spider web off the front door again today, when I thought about how much that first impression counts. I’m not talking...

Sep 5, 20142 min read
The Egg Cup
I never had Egg Cups in my house until I had my daughter. To me, soft boiled eggs were a memory from childhood, and definitely not part...
Aug 27, 20141 min read
I Want a Tree House
Doesn’t everybody want a Tree House at some point in their lives? I’m not talking about one of those fancy, I’m-in-a-tree-but-I-really-am...

Aug 21, 20142 min read
How Warm is your Television?
If you ask any decorator what they find difficult to work around, most of them will say it is the television (and La-Z-Boy recliners, but...

Aug 15, 20142 min read
The End of the Bed
Do you sit down quietly to get dressed, or do you rush around the room, trying to wiggle into whatever looks clean, before you pound down...

Aug 8, 20142 min read
The Teenage Bedroom
One of my favorite rooms to redo, is one for a teen. I love finding out what they want, and what is really important to them. Their...

Jul 31, 20142 min read
Finding your Style
We sometimes wonder if we don’t have any, or where we can get it, but really, your style is who you are. It’s that person sitting in...

Jul 23, 20142 min read
Unexpected Storage
If I had lovely feet, I would display my even more lovely shoes in a glass cabinet! Actually, even with my average feet, I would be very...

Jul 17, 20142 min read
Plain and Fancy
When I was little, all the cookies and cakes were divided into two categories – plain and fancy. The plain were for the everyday kind of...

Jul 11, 20142 min read
The Joy of Moving!
I know lots of people who are moving house at the moment. Whether they are moving for work, or changing towns to be nearer to family, it...

Jul 9, 20141 min read
Summer Classes
Sometimes, it’s good to go back to the basics… I find, that when I organize the everyday things, it makes the rest of my life so much...

Jul 2, 20142 min read
Porcelain, Plastic and Picnics
Years ago, we had a St Patrick’s Day party. Up until then, our parties had always been built around plastic; it was easy to buy,...

Jun 27, 20142 min read
Not Just For Books
Growing up, we all had bookshelves…with books on them. That was what they were for; a practical way to keep books from sitting in a...

Jun 18, 20142 min read
cake in a cup = Creative Perfeckshun
Most of the creative people I know think they are perfectionists, but are actually not perfect at all; attention to detail is there,...

Jun 4, 20142 min read
If your Shade could Speak
I don’t understand why we have ugly lampshades in this world. Does it really cost more to make a nice one? Considering many homes don’t...

May 29, 20143 min read
Pierre the Squirrel
There are some things that I never imagined would happen in my life, and one of them, was that I would share our home with a one-eyed,...

May 21, 20142 min read
Faking the Ficus
I have a Ficus tree in my Living Room. I bought it a long time ago; unbraided the funky stems, repotted it, and it grows a little every...

May 14, 20142 min read
A Few of my Favorite Mistakes …..
If you Google Decorating Mistakes, you will get dozens of posts on what not to do; design rules, do’s and don’ts, and lots of ideas on...

May 7, 20142 min read
A Flowery Influence
When I moved into my house, over twenty years ago, there was a lot of tiny floral wallpaper (and contact paper – remember that?) all over...

Apr 29, 20141 min read
Global Romance (at home)
Do you remember the romance of travel? Exciting days spent planning a trip, deciding what to wear, and knowing that you would be well...