
Nov 20, 20162 min read
The Winter Garden
With the reluctance of settling my garden in for the Winter months comes the sudden, sweet joy of finding yet another reason to decorate....

Nov 9, 20163 min read
Decorating By Numbers
I like simple Math; tell me how much money is in my checking account, what I can spend on a new coat, and I am very happy, but please...

Oct 26, 20163 min read
Is Working from Home Working for You?
Every job comes with its own set of problems.Whether you work at the kitchen table, in a cardboard cubicle, on a building site, or in a...

Oct 19, 20162 min read
At Home With Fur
A lady once sat next to me on the bus with a very large, full length fur coat on. The fur spilled over onto my own coat (a bright green...

Oct 7, 20162 min read
The Sweet Dreams of Reality
A friend recently asked me about decorating her bedroom. After living in her home for many years, her bedroom had become a transitional...

Sep 29, 20162 min read
Your Decorating Personality
Sometimes, knowing where to start is the hardest part. It’s that first move that paralyzes us, and we over-think what we imagine may...
Sep 23, 20162 min read
For the Love of Realtors
I think that Realtors must be some of the most positive people on the planet. Their job is to steer you in the right direction, and help...

Sep 10, 20163 min read
Fall Fashion – Fixing the Faux (Boots)
Not a design post I know, but still a DIY one. This was the scene on my kitchen counter this morning – boots, shoe polish, glue and...

Sep 8, 20162 min read
Feather Talk
Have we talked about feathers yet? A few years ago, my friend gave me her lime green, feather wreath as a surprise gift. Maybe it was...

Sep 6, 20162 min read
DIY = Do It Yourself (as best as you can)
With Fall sprinkling the first yellow leaves onto my garden, I suddenly see a million things that need to be done. Some days, my...

Aug 29, 20162 min read
I Don’t Like Salad
People tease me for not liking salad, but I actually do enjoy vegetables, and while I have a similar aversion to decorations that match,...

Aug 21, 20164 min read
DIY Paint Adventures
I would never profess to be a painter, but I am not afraid to open a paint can and dab away at a boring room or an old piece of...

Aug 11, 20163 min read
A Quick Bathroom Update
Whether we like it or not, the bathroom is the place that we have to visit at least several times a day, yet we often neglect it; which...

Aug 6, 20162 min read
Visits with a Chair
I never took it flowers, or dressed up in my fanciest of clothes, but every week I would go to the old antique shop, say hello to the...

Jul 30, 20163 min read
Your Home, Your Story
There are some people we meet, and we instantly become great friends. While I have never met Stephen Thompson in person, what began as an...

Jul 24, 20162 min read
Unmentionables and Moments of Frippery
When we reach a certain age, our lingerie drawer suddenly becomes an unrecognizable mess of fun and function; we lift, we tuck, we...

Jul 16, 20162 min read
A Spider at Home
When I walked into the bathroom there was a small spider hanging from the chandelier. I gently blew at him, and he scampered straight...

Jul 8, 20162 min read
Home Offices for You and Me
It’s funny, home offices are becoming more popular, but so are portable devices; people want a separate office space, but then they sit...

Jun 30, 20161 min read
Just Because …
For more by Wendy and the Blue Giraffe, go to: #decoratingtipsandtricks #EasyDecorating #HowtoDecorate...

Jun 25, 20162 min read
Step Inside
We rattle on so much about curb appeal, and having a lovely front door, that we sometimes forget to talk about the moment that we step...