
May 23, 20122 min read
English Thoughts Abroad
There is something very iconic about the Union Jack. Of course, all countries have flags, and many use them as promotional souvenirs and...

May 16, 20123 min read
Home is not a home without…
This week, I am happy to post a piece written by Sue West. Sue is a professional organizer whose company, Space 4U, specializes in...

Apr 21, 20122 min read
Have to confess, there was a time when you could barely see my living room walls; if I could put a nail through it, or find a gizmo to...

Apr 10, 20122 min read
Furniture Maneuvers
A desk in the office, a dresser in the bedroom, and a hutch in the dining room. This is the way most of us live, and all of them are...

Mar 26, 20121 min read
Clutter Control x 3
We all know what clutter is, but do you know that there is visual clutter around us that can be eliminated on a daily basis? Easily, with...

Mar 15, 20123 min read
What is a Domestic Goddess anyway?
When I gave my very first dinner party, I followed the instructions to the letter. I bought exactly a quarter of a pound of green beans...

Mar 2, 20122 min read
Transitional Decorating
Sometimes, we have to change our homes because something happens that we didn’t expect. A lost job, a bereavement or illness, a...

Feb 24, 20123 min read
Living in your Rooms
Many of us are tremendously lucky to have more room than we need, but often, we don’t take advantage of that space. We have spare...

Feb 15, 20122 min read
Juju What?
“Have you heard of Juju hats? I must have one for my house! You must blog about them!”, a friend wrote to me earlier this week. Of...

Jan 31, 20122 min read
Why Retro?
Have you noticed that television shows, furniture and clothing are all being re-introduced to us with a healthy dose of 1960’s reality?...

Jan 17, 20123 min read
Buying Furniture (caveat emptor)
I have a confession to make, I am becoming a furniture snob. As you know, I love anything that relates to decorating the home, especially...

Dec 12, 20111 min read
Supermarket Gifts and Fruitcake
Hostess Gift: (tasteful, edible, re-giftable) Sparkling, non-alcoholic, wine or cider and a box of truffles. A Christmas plant...

Nov 28, 20113 min read
Have you ever……(staged your own home?)
Even though it is the Holiday season, many people are still trying to sell their homes. Always a daunting process, I thought I would...

Nov 16, 20111 min read
100th post!
– My upstairs bathroom is painted entirely in chalkboard paint (my daughter and her friend’s draw and write on it all of the time). I...

Nov 5, 20112 min read
Warming up!
Apparently. I don’t handle the cold very well. During the recent 5 days without heat we became nomads, eating at friends homes and...

Oct 22, 20112 min read
Curtains 101
The other day I fell in love with a curtain. Yes, a curtain! For those of you who know me well, you know that the curtains in my living...

Oct 12, 20112 min read
Formal Living in a Casual World
One article in particular really struck me. The home was based on an 18th Century design, complete with spindly chair legs, gilded...

Sep 22, 20112 min read
Color Wheels and Rainbows
Did you know that the Color Wheel was invented in the 1600’s by Sir Isaac Newton? It was originally based on sunlight – he separated the...

Sep 16, 20112 min read
Stories and Words
Once upon a time, many years ago………our words were written on pieces of paper. I thought of this line yesterday, as I was reading a...
Sep 8, 20114 min read
Budgeting for a Quick Fix
Driving around my town the other day, I noticed a lot of houses needed painting.With the price of everything going up, many people are...