
Nov 22, 20132 min read
How to be a Good (not perfect) Guest
I know there is a deluge of posts right now on how to be the perfect host, make the best gravy, and plan a stress-free Thanksgiving, but...

Nov 16, 20132 min read
Too Many Legs
The cardinal rule of design is that if we decorate with what we love, it will all somehow meld together into this glorious pile of...

Nov 8, 20132 min read
TLC for your Plants, Plastics and Gnomes
So, I was washing a big pile of rocks and shells in the sink the other day (as you do) and my mind began to wander to all the other bits...

Nov 1, 20133 min read
No Peeking in the Windows
So, the house next door to us just sold, after four years of being empty. They appear to be gutting it, and workers are there every day...

Oct 31, 20132 min read
How to Bring Good Luck into your Home!
It’s Halloween, and it is not my favorite holiday at all. Having a big imagination does not bode well with being a fraidy cat; I jump at...

Oct 24, 20132 min read
What is Glamping?
Glamping – Pronunciation: /ˈglampɪŋ/ noun Early 21st century: Blend of Glamorous and Camping A way to enjoy the beauty of nature...

Oct 18, 20132 min read
Confessions of a Messy Office
Sometimes, I write a blog, and never publish it. I read it, and it sounds boring, or too personal, or too big, or too much like a...

Oct 9, 20131 min read
Would you like Cheese with that Wine?
People are drinking more. Honest, they are. Not sure if it is an escape from the economic climate, or just a fun, entertaining trend, but...

Oct 1, 20133 min read
Decorating + Home = Free Therapy
Do you think they had to wait a long time to get this photograph, or do you think it was a happy accident? I have to believe it was just...

Sep 23, 20132 min read
I have friends who can quote something fabulous at the drop of a hat; they even know who said it, and what they say is always appropriate...

Sep 12, 20132 min read
How to Draw on your Walls
When my daughter was little, I was constantly cleaning the walls (okay, well not really, but I should have been). I know lots of mothers...

Sep 6, 20133 min read
Design your own Details
My sister alters her clothes herself; if a top is too long, she will cut it, if pants are too big, she will adjust them, and if she...

Aug 28, 20132 min read
Design "Do’s" for Every Home
Helping people in fall in love with their homes, is something that I never, ever get tired of doing. Over the years, I have learned to...

Aug 23, 20132 min read
No, this isn’t a post about ants, or weird critters invading your garden, it’s about the other visitors, the friends and family who stop...

Aug 16, 20132 min read
Worth the Wait!
Like so many people, and for no particular reason, I love different shapes; whether it is a table, a mirror, or something that I just...

Aug 8, 20133 min read
Summer Road Trip
To me, Summer seems to be one of those times when we try to capture a different American Dream; we suddenly want to create the perfect...

Aug 3, 20131 min read
Decorating Funnies for your Weekend!
Let’s face it, creating beautiful, happy, comfortable homes is what I absolutely love to do (and I do take it very seriously) but,...

Jul 24, 20133 min read
Controlling Collections
They say that the world is divided into two types of people; those who collect, and those who don’t. I never thought of myself as a...

Jul 13, 20132 min read
Themes – Love them, or Leave them?
Whenever I return from a holiday by the sea, I always find my home to feel a little boring; a little dull, and not quite as cheerful as I...

Jun 28, 20132 min read
What is Art?
Quite often, people declare that they need a “piece of art” to complete their room. That they are looking for the perfect painting to...