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How Warm is your Television?

Writer: Wendy ElizabethWendy Elizabeth

If you ask any decorator what they find difficult to work around, most of them will say it is the television (and La-Z-Boy recliners, but that’s another story). For many homes, it is the focal point of the family room; we watch it often, so it is placed in the spot where we can all see it. Unfortunately, they are also more than twice the size that they used to be, so they can’t be squished into a corner, or moved around on wheels when company comes over (did we ever do that, or did I just make that up?).

Anyway, a while ago, new home contractors got creative and came up with the idea of putting televisions above the fireplace. A hole was cut out, and wires left dangling for installation. It made sense from their perspective; the room now had a clear focal point, it saved space, and the flat screens were supposed to mimic the look of art. I don’t know what the repercussions are from having your television above a roaring fire, but I do know that many of them were too high up to be watched in comfort. Good for chiropractors, but not fun when you want to lie on the floor and watch cartoons on a Saturday morning.

That trend is now leaving, and people don’t want to see a television above the fireplace. So, we’re back to hiding them. The concept is, that we cover the ugly television with something decorative when we’re not watching it. But, we end up drawing more attention to it, which kind of defeats the purpose…..Whether it’s a piece of art, a map, or a small barn door levitating above the mantle, it looks awkward. We know your television is hiding behind there, and now you have just added more stuff, and some weird railings either side of it all.

I am also not sure of the practicality of it all. I wonder if it deter’s people from watching? Especially children; if they can’t open the decorative thingamajig will they be forced to kick their SpongeBob habit (which doesn’t seem quite fair when their life revolves around playtime, what’s for lunch, and the adventures of a happy, yellow sponge). And, will the taller people entertain themselves by opening and closing the contraption just because they can? I know I would (just a few times, at least until the novelty wore off). What if one side doesn’t slide back as far as the other, what if it doesn’t quite stop at the end, falls off, or goes crooked in the middle? What if it hits the television, or it gets stuck halfway? What if someone falls into the fire, or accidentally trips while reaching for it? That’s a lot of questions before you can enjoy a cartoon….

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