Last week, I wrote about Emotional Insurance; the small things that we all look forward to when we first walk through the front door. I got so many responses, that I just had to share them with you.
I do hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did.
Thank you for your constant feedback, and for making this blog such a pleasure to write!
See you next week,
Wendy, What a fabulous post!
I love seeing my cats curled up in their favorite chairs, snoozing

The most important …. is the kitchen. It’s where I used to spend so much time and felt the most productive. … clean counter tops and an empty sink are important to me……. it all goes back to organization. When I am organized, I feel like i can handle the rest of life a lot better.

…whenever we’re away, for either a short or long period, upon our return(just as the key is inserted into the door lock), I would swear that the entire dwelling breathes a kind of sigh of relief, somehow glad that, finally, we’re back.
I like coming home and seeing the pile of shoes and coats that my children have left on the floor. I want those memories, because I know they will soon grow up, and I will miss having them around.

Ok girlfriend!
My emotional insurance list! – painting of my fav place – plants I have many – nz book on coffee table – bowl of chocolate kisses – wild pillows on sofa
Nothing makes me feel better when I come through my front door than the smell of my favorite candle. Coconut Lime Verbena from BBW or Buttercream soy candles...…our living room, the first thing visible upon entering the foyer, reflective (in its furniture and mounted artwork) of our joint tastes, but every other room in the house looks and feels as if it recognizes us as we enter…..

My wedding photograph is my emotional insurance.
A clean kitchen counter!

No dishes in the sink,and dinner in the crock-pot.

I have a bowl of shells on the table that I have collected over the years. It reminds me of when we used to go on vacations with my mom and dad and grandparents and cousins. Seeing them almost makes me forget the other pile of stuff on the table LOL


For more by Wendy and the Blue Giraffe, go to: http://www.thebluegiraffe.com/